Conor Wee
Residency: Chongqing, China
School: Chongqing BI academy
Intended major: Biology/Chemistry
Age during program: Grade 11
Chemistry and biology are his main academic interests, and he succeeds in all courses, especially STEM topics. He took AP Chemistry and has competed in a variety of science competitions. He’d love to work with a professor help him learn more about Biology and/or Chemistry.
What challenges did he face?
- Conor’s goal is to develop an undergraduate-level research paper that he may include on his portfolio when applying to universities.
Matched professor:
He works at UC Berkeley and San Francisco as a Computational Cell Biologist and Microscopist Postdoctoral Research Associate.
How did our program help him?
- Conor is new to research paper writing and has learned how to find, read, and cite primary literature for his article. He also learned to use a new citation manager tool that would come in handy during his college studies.
- Conor has acquired exposure to global biotechnology research trends and ideas.
- His final research paper was recently published in a high school academic journal.