Diana Deng

Diana Deng

Diana Deng

City of residence: Orlando, Florida
Father Lopez Catholic High School
Intended Major:
Rising 12th grader

Diana has a 4.5 GPA and ranks at the top of her class. She took her first SAT with a result that placed her in the 90th percentile. She is interested in economics and would like to work on an individual research project using statistical analysis programs to investigate a current subject in the field.

What challenges did she face?

  • Diana was new to computer science, but she wanted to try her hand at statistical analysis with R.

Matched professor:

The mentor is a lecturer who teaches Statistics and Financial Mathematics at MIT. Some of his past clients include Citibank, Colonial/Liberty Funds, American Express and Canon.

How did our program help her?

  • Diana delved into the basics of statistics, particularly linear regression modeling.
  • In R, she mastered sophisticated time series variations.
  • She learned how to use R to create data visualizations.

Below is part of an example work done during the program:

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