Going back to school after the holidays

Going back to school after the holidays

Over the world, schools in different countries start the first day of semester on different months. One thing for sure is that all of us have had our year-end break. Some had two weeks of break whereas some others had 2 months of vacation! Students spent their year-end holidays with family and friends, enjoying Christmas and New Year celebrations away from the hectic school life.

Under normal circumstances, students usually find it difficult to resume routines and adjust back to the school life. In the first few days, they are unable to concentrate and focus during lectures. This is similar to the “Monday Blues” of office workers. Here are some tips provided by pediatricians on adjusting life back to school after holidays end.

Review student’s vacation

The holiday is finally coming to an end. At this time, parents may wish to chat with their children about the things they had done, and review any meaningful things they did in the holiday. Did they discover any new places? Made some new friends? Learnt something new?

We can initialize this topic through small family activities, such as making a holiday memoir album together through hand-painting or photo collages and immortalized these wonderful memories. This helps students think about the meaning of their holidays and make them feel grateful for life. This may also help students review their achievements, if they had participated in any extra-curricular activities or attended any competitions.

Adjust the biological clock

During the holidays, it is very easy for students to become lazy and sleep into the late mornings. Students should start to get to bed early so they can adjust back to the old sleeping pattern again. With a new semester looming, it is also time to cut down on the video games, television, social media browsing and late-night parties.

It may not be easy to adjust the biological clock back. But students should be strict about sticking to the desired sleeping schedule. Eating and exposure to bright lights before bedtime should also be avoided to ensure a good sleep.

Discuss any difficulties faced in the new semester

The new year begins with joy and enables students to interact with friends and colleagues again. On the other hand, it is understood that school can bring anxiety to students. Homework starts to pile up, new concepts taught and exam grades are compared. In the new semester, there may be a new subject which is difficult to handle.

In response to this situation, it will be therapeutic if students are able to talk to someone about it – be it their friends or parents or a school counsellor. Parents are encouraged not to add any more pressure on their children and to provide a listening ear when there’s a problem. Students are encouraged to find ways to relax themselves lest they fall into depression.

A new year and semester are an exciting time full of new opportunities. As the saying goes, out with the old, in with the new, students get a new year to work on their goals and move towards their dream college!

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